Who’s Ethan?

Who Am I?

My name is Ethan Gorelick and I am a Graphic Designer currently studying my fourth year at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas.

Why Graphic Design?

I began doing digital designs all the way back in high school where I first learned how to use photoshop. I realized that designing was a fun way for me to harness my creativity and give me an outlet to produce through. Since then, I've become well versed in many areas of graphic design, such as video editing, screen printing, branding, and more. 

Graphic Design is something that I have grown extremely passionate about and I am very excited to see what I will produce in the future. 

What Can You Expect?

My strongest quality has always been my unshakable work ethic. I hold myself and my work to very high standards and always try to create something that both the client and I are happy with. You can always expect me to put 100% effort into my designs.

Want to Contact Me?

Email: ethang1902@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ethan-gorelick-a0422a268